Source code for clef.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Systems Science
# author: Scott Wales <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Model of NCI's MAS database

The MAS database has two main tables - ``path`` and ``metadata``. These base
tables are available in the model as :class:`Path` and :class:`Metadata`, they
have a SQLAlchemy relationship so that the two table can be joined in queries.

There may be multiple :class:`Metadata` entries for a single :class:`Path`,
these represent different metadata types, such as checksums, netCDF attributes
and POSIX file attributes. The type can be identified from
:attr:`Metadata.type`, and is used as a polymorphic identity to SQLAlchemy's
`single table inheritance <>`_,
creating the :class:`Checksum`, :class:`Netcdf` and :class:`Posix` models.

The :class:`C5Dataset` and :class:`C6Dataset` models represent datasets like
you would find on ESGF, although without a version. They are created in the
database from a ``DISTINCT`` view of the NetCDF attributes, and can be used to
group paths on the filesystem into datasets.

from __future__ import print_function

from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Text, Integer, String, Table
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID, JSONB, INT4RANGE
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.indexable import index_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class pg_json_property(index_property): # def __init__(self, attr_name, index, cast_type): super(pg_json_property, self).__init__(attr_name, index) self.cast_type = cast_type def expr(self, model): expr = super(pg_json_property, self).expr(model) return expr.astext.cast(self.cast_type)
# These tables group the individual files into datasets. `dataset_id` is essentially a md5 checksum of the ESGF # dataset id, generated from the netcdf attributes c5_metadata_dataset_link = Table('c5_metadata_dataset_link', Base.metadata, Column('file_id', ForeignKey('esgf_paths.file_id'), ForeignKey('metadata.md_hash'), ForeignKey('checksums.ch_hash')), Column('dataset_id', ForeignKey('cmip5_dataset.dataset_id'))) c6_metadata_dataset_link = Table('c6_metadata_dataset_link', Base.metadata, Column('file_id', ForeignKey('esgf_paths.file_id'), ForeignKey('metadata.md_hash'), ForeignKey('checksums.ch_hash')), Column('dataset_id', ForeignKey('cmip6_dataset.dataset_id')))
[docs]class Path(Base): """Path of a file on Raijin, with links to metadata """ __tablename__ = 'esgf_paths' id = Column('file_id', UUID, primary_key=True) #: File path at NCI path = Column('path', Text) #: :class:`C5Dataset`: c5dataset = relationship('C5Dataset', secondary=c5_metadata_dataset_link, viewonly=True) #: :class:`C6Dataset`: c6dataset = relationship('C6Dataset', secondary=c6_metadata_dataset_link, viewonly=True) #: :class:`Netcdf`: netcdf = relationship('Netcdf', viewonly=True) #: :class:`Checksum`: checksum = relationship('Checksum', viewonly=True) extended = relationship('ExtendedMetadata', viewonly=True)
[docs]class Metadata(Base): """Generic base class for Metadata of a file on Raijin See :class:`Posix` and :class:`Netcdf` for specific metadata information """ __tablename__ = 'metadata' id = Column('md_hash', UUID, ForeignKey('esgf_paths.file_id'), primary_key=True) #: Metadata type type = Column('md_type', Text, primary_key=True) #: Metadata value json = Column('md_json', JSONB) #: :class:`Path`: path = relationship("Path") __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on': type, }
[docs]class Checksum(Base): """Checksum of a file on Raijin """ __tablename__ = 'checksums' id = Column('ch_hash', UUID, ForeignKey('esgf_paths.file_id'), ForeignKey('metadata.md_hash'), primary_key=True) #: md5 checksum md5 = Column('ch_md5', String) #: sha256 checksum sha256 = Column('ch_sha256', String) #: :class:`Path`: path = relationship("Path")
[docs]class Posix(Metadata): """Posix metadata of a file on Raijin As would be found by ``ls`` """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'posix', }
[docs]class Netcdf(Metadata): """NetCDF metadata of a file on Raijin As would be found by ``ncdump -h`` """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'netcdf', } format = pg_json_property('json', 'format', Text) #: File variables variables = index_property('json', 'variables') #: File attributes attributes = index_property('json', 'attributes') #: File dimensions dimensions = index_property('json', 'dimensions')
[docs]class ExtendedMetadata(Base): """Extra metadata not present in the file's attributes """ __tablename__ = 'extended_metadata' file_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('metadata.md_hash'), ForeignKey('checksums.ch_hash'), ForeignKey('esgf_paths.file_id'), primary_key=True) version = Column(Text) variable = Column(Text) period = Column(INT4RANGE)
[docs]class C5Dataset(Base): """A CMIP5-era ESGF dataset This class only has access to attributes from the file itself, so version information is not present. See the CMIP documentation for descriptions of the attributes """ __tablename__ = 'cmip5_dataset' dataset_id = Column(Text, primary_key=True) #: project = Column(Text) #: institute = Column(Text) #: model = Column(Text) #: experiment = Column(Text) #: time_frequency = Column('frequency', Text) #: realm = Column(Text) r = Column(Integer) i = Column(Integer) p = Column(Integer) #: ensemble = Column(Text) #: cmor_table = Column(Text)
[docs]class C6Dataset(Base): """A CMIP6-era ESGF dataset This class only has access to attributes from the file itself, so version information is not present. See the CMIP documentation for descriptions of the attributes """ __tablename__ = 'cmip6_dataset' dataset_id = Column(Text, primary_key=True) #: project = Column(Text) #: activity_id = Column('activity_id', Text) #: institution_id = Column('institution_id', Text) #: source_id = Column('source_id', Text) #: source_type = Column('source_type', Text) #: experiment_id = Column('experiment_id', Text) #: sub_experiment_id = Column('sub_experiment_id', Text) #: frequency = Column('frequency', Text) #: realm = Column(Text) r = Column(Integer) i = Column(Integer) p = Column(Integer) f = Column(Integer) #: variant_label = Column('variant_label', Text) #: member_id = Column('member_id', Text) #: variable_id = Column(Text) #: grid_label = Column('grid_label', Text) #: nominal_resolution = Column('nominal_resolution', Text) #: table_id = Column('table_id', Text)
[docs]class Info(Base): """ General information about a dataset file This is a database view, its columns shouldn't be used for searching as they are large and not indexed. """ __tablename__ = 'info_attributes' file_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('metadata.md_hash'), ForeignKey('checksums.ch_hash'), ForeignKey('esgf_paths.file_id'), primary_key=True) #: variant_info = Column(Text) #: source = Column(Text) #: parent_experiment_id = Column(Text) #: further_info_url = Column(Text) #: contact = Column(Text) #: title = Column(Text) #: description = Column(Text) #: license = Column(Text) #: tracking_id = Column(Text)