
clef –missing

clef --missing <dataset> searches ESGF for files that haven’t been downloaded to NCI. It returns ESGF dataset IDs for each dataset that has one or more missing files:

$ clef --missing cmip5 --model HadCM3 --experiment historical \
               --table day --ensemble r1i1p1 \
               --variable ta
Available on ESGF but not locally:
NOTE: ESGF keeps track of only the most recent versions of each file for a given dataset version,
so if the files in the NCI mirror and ESGF don’t match this command can return false positives.

clef –local

clef --local <dataset> searches the local file system for files that have been downloaded to NCI. It returns the path to the file on NCI’s /g/data disk:

$ clef --local cmip5 --model HadCM3 --experiment historical --table day --ensemble r1i1p1 \
                     --variable ta --all-versions

NOTE: Presently the default behaviour for all the ESGF-node based searches is to check for the most recent (latest) version on ESGF, and return only files with that version. This can be disabled with the --all-versions flag. The –local option instead currently returns by default all available versions, including versions unpublished by the ESGF but that are still available locally, NB not all the available data on the older CMIP5 collection (ua6 project) has been yet replaced in the new one (al33). If you are sure a version should exists only for CMIP5 you could try using the ARCCSSive module https://github.com/coecms/arccssive to locate it.


If your search doesn’t return any results try again at a later time. The tool is searching the ESGF website first and sometimes one or more nodes can be disconnected and the returned results are incomplete. Try the –local flag to at least get what’s available locally. For CMIP5 you can use the older ARCCSSive tool if in doubt.